What are the Symptoms of Varicose Veins?

Spider Veins

Spider veins, also known as telangiectasia or thread veins, are a visible sign of aging that can occur in both men and women.

Though they only measure between 0.5 to 1mm in diameter, spider veins can cause embarrassment due to their characteristic red, purple or blue colouring that can be seen just below the surface of the skin, making them extremely obvious.

These spidery lines often appear on the face, legs and chest and are usually caused by genetics or hormonal changes during certain stages of life.

With limited treatment options available, spider veins have been something that many people simply learn to live with, but fortunately there are now more solutions available including sclerotherapy and laser treatments to reduce their visibility.

Spider veins and varicose veins have a lot in common beyond the telltale, visible signs they both manifest: Namely, the major underlying cause of their development, circulation issues.
In most cases, the root problem is high pressure (venous hypertension) on a person’s veins and blood vessels, making them work extra hard to circulate blood where it needs to go.
Ultimately, certain spider and varicose veins develop as valves fail to do their job of pushing blood along with each dilated pump of the heart; this condition is known as chronic venous insufficiency.
It’s important for anyone exhibiting spider or varicose veins to understand there are treatment options available for addressing underlying circulation problems behind their vein-related symptoms.
With timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment, however, spider and varicose veins do not have to be a permanent issue.

Spider veins are small, spider-web like veins that commonly occur on the legs and can cause symptoms such as aching, throbbing, and swelling.

For many patients, spider veins can be unsightly and difficult to cover up with makeup or clothing.

Fortunately, spider veins can now be safely removed through sclerotherapy treatments, which involve injecting medication directly into the spider vein valves in order to close off blood flow.

This process can provide satisfactory results with almost no downtime.

In addition, this treatment is incredibly helpful for those suffering from chronic venous insufficiency as it removes blocked spider veins that were preventing proper circulation throughout the leg.

Sclerotherapy is an effective treatment for spider veins and can help improve circulation and appearance of the legs.

Not only do spider veins become visually improved after sclerotherapy treatment, but in some cases it can reduce the risk of chronic venous insufficiency disease by preventing blood from pooling in spider veins.

With this type of laser therapy, spider vein removal without injections becomes possible without having to resort to more invasive surgeries like vein ligation or stripping, making it an ideal solution for those who want quick, safe results with minimal recovery time.

Spider veins alone may not seem like a major issue, but they can be an early warning sign of other more serious vein problems.

If spider veins appear around your ankle in a cluster, known as corona phlebectatica, it is important to come in for an examination right away.

This is because spider veins often form when the valves that keep blood moving correctly within the veins become weakened or damaged, causing chronic venous insufficiency.

Through sclerotherapy, a type of minimally invasive medical treatment specifically designed to treat spider and varicose veins, these faulty valves can be repaired and spider veins can be removed from the affected area.

In order to diagnose and determine the best treatment plan for this condition, it is important to get a medical examination if spider veins appear around your ankle area.

Sclerotherapy, also called microsclerotherapy when used to treat spider veins, is a well-known and generally accepted procedure for treating spider veins.

For those with spider veins caused by faulty valves or chronic venous insufficiency, this age-old practice is valued as an effective and safe solution.

During the procedure, sclerosants are injected into spider veins using a fine needle, closing the affected vein. From there, it usually takes several weeks for your body to remove the treated vein which may sometimes require multiple treatments to the same area.

All in all, sclerotherapy can be an powerful way to target spider veins, however it may not always work for everyone and does come with potential side-effects.

Treatment may need to be repeated in the same area to get optimal results. Spider veins can be unsightly and though sclerotherapy is generally a safe procedure, potential side-effects exist – making it important to discuss all risks before undergoing treatment for spider veins.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are abnormal, dilated blood vessels which occur when the tiny valves which regulate blood flow become incompetent.

This allows for back flow and the pooling of blood in the varicose vein, which can lead to chronic venous insufficiency with a weakening in the wall of the vein.

Although varicose veins may be difficult to spot at first, they can become quite visible over time, ranging from 3mm up to more than 2cm in diameter.

Typically varicose veins will be seen on legs between the thighs and ankles and can cause problems ranging from cosmetic issues to more serious complications such as itching, pain and swelling.

Therefore varicose veins should always be taken seriously and appropriate knowledge of warning signs should be sought out.

Although varicose veins may sometimes appear to be only a cosmetic issue, Over time, varicose veins may extend further up the leg, leading to more severe complications such as chronic venous insufficiency.

As varicose veins worsen, swelling and hardened areas may result from a weakening in the vein wall due to constant backflow of blood.

Therefore it is important to address varicose veins as a medical concern and be spotted by vein doctors early on and adequately treated, minimising any potential long-term damage or other symptoms caused by varicose veins.

Increased pressure on veins and blood vessels is the foremost cause of varicose veins as well as chronic venous insufficiency.

When the valves that control flow of blood in and out of a vein become weakened, or when the walls of the vein are damaged, body’s circulatory system is challenged to take extra efforts in order to effectively send blood into other parts.

This excess strain causes increased pressure, resulting in varicose veins or even chronic venous insufficiency in some cases.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency can also cause weakening of the vein walls which may lead to further varicose vein formation, creating a vicious circle wherein varicose veins appear and worsen rapidly unless medical intervention is taken.

As such, it can be concluded that increased pressure has become an undeniable culprit behind varicose veins.

Varicose veins are caused by damaged valves within the blood vessels or chronic venous insufficiency, which results in the pooling of blood in the legs.

Despite varicose veins typically not being life-threatening, there can be a number of more serious long-term problems if left untreated.

This includes:

  • developing leg ulcers or sores, caused by the prolonged buildup of fluid.
  • Bleeding can also occur with varicose veins, due to easily damaged sking over varicose veins and tearing of fragile varicose vessels.
  • an increased risk of serous infection such as cellulitis, a serious bacterial infection of tissue under the skin, due to swelling and pooling of blood in feet and ankles is possible because varicose veins remain untreated.
  • Blood clots, or thrombosis, can form in either the superficial or deep vein system as a result of pooled blood.
    • Superficial vein thrombosis (SVT) develops when varicose veins and weakened valves disrupt blood flow or faulty valves cause chronic venous insufficiency. In these cases, swollen veins just beneath the surface of the skin emit pain, tenderness and warmth with associated swelling. If left untreated, a superficial thrombosis may lead to an ulcer.
    • As for deep vein thrombosis (DVT), it usually forms in the more profound veins and causes not just discomfort but also pain in the calf muscle along vascular signs such as warmth, redness and swelling. If caught early, proper treatment can help mitigate further risks.

Varicose veins can be both uncomfortable and unsightly, but it is important to remember that if addressed, varicose veins can be managed.

Do your legs ache and feel heavy, making it hard to stand or walk for a long time without them hurting even more?

You could be experiencing chronic venous insufficiency, a condition that affects the health of your veins.

It typically starts with an intermittent achiness in the legs, along with other symptoms such as throbbing, cramps, swelling, itching around one or more of the veins and skin discoloration around a varicose vein.

Unfortunately worsened pain can appear after sitting or standing for a long time, making it difficult to relax or do day to day activities.

If left untreated, this condition can worsen and lead to medical issues such as varicose veins and even leg ulcers.

Fortunately, you can take steps to lower your risk of getting varicose veins and other leg issues associated with chronic venous insufficiency by speaking to your vein doctor about treatment options available for you.

Varicose veins can be treated with a variety of procedures to achieve different goals.

  • Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy
  • Endovenous Ablation
  • and various surgical approaches


are all options to consider when planning your treatment.

Each type has its own associated risks and benefits that should be carefully weighed when making a decision.

You can rest assured that Dr Gilles Laur will work with you to develop the most suitable treatment plan for you, based on the goals of alleviating symptoms such as swelling, aching or pain; treating complications like ulcers or skin changes; preventing progression to more serious potential problems such as deep vein thrombosis; and improving how your legs look, so you can get back on the road to recovery quickly.

However, every case is different so it is important that you get an experienced doctor like Dr Gilles Laur who can come up with a tailor-made treatment plan for your particular situation.

Swollen Legs

Swelling, or excess fluid buildup, in the lower legs is a common medical symptom that can be caused by a variety of issues. Most commonly, swelling in the lower legs due to an accumulation of fluids is a symptom of venous insufficiency, often related to varicose veins.

If you press gently on your lower leg and can see your fingerprint indent for more than a few seconds, chances are, you have some excess fluid buildup.

This swelling, along with its companion symptom of varicose veins, may mean that you have chronic venous insufficiency.

If that’s the case, it should be treated immediately to reduce discomfort and the chance of further complications down the line.

If swelling persists without treatment it can lead to unnecessary pain and pressure in the affected area. Thus, it is important to seek medical help as soon as swelling is noticed so that proper treatment can be recommended.

Swelling in any part of the body can be uncomfortable and should not be taken lightly.

If swelling does not subside or come back frequently, it is important to make an appointment with a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

It is especially critical to seek medical help immediately if swelling occurs along with other symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, or pressure in the chest.

Early detection allows for quicker treatment and prevention from further complications.

If swelling is caused by an underlying condition, proper medical care can lead to a full recovery and improvement in symptom management.

Doing this will help ensure that any potential health issues are discovered promptly and treated accordingly.

Though it may not always seem like a serious problem, edema should not be taken lightly as untreated cases can lead to numerous potentially damaging consequences.

People might experience increasing levels of discomfort, such as painful swelling and stiffness, and may even find it difficult to complete everyday tasks.

In addition, skin can become stretched or itchy while ulcers and scarring on the affected area may occur.

This is further complicated by the decreased blood circulation that typically follows untreated oedema.

With proper treatment, however, these various issues can be avoided and symptoms can be kept to a minimum.

With proper treatment, however, these various issues can be avoided and symptoms can be kept to a minimum.

Walking and biking are underrated forms of exercise that offer a great cardiovascular workout while also targeting the calf muscles.

By regularly completing these activities, you not only get all of the benefits of any form of exercise but also help to reduce leg swelling due to the pumping of blood back to the heart.

Whereas compression stocking can be effective for some, why not take a more holistic approach by engaging in regular physical activity?

Walking and biking are enjoyable, low-cost and convenient ways to do this.

Walking and biking stimulate our calf muscles to help keep the blood going through the body.

This is especially beneficial for those with leg swelling, as the movement of their muscles helps pump the blood back up towards their heart.

In addition, compression stocking is often recommended for people suffering from this condition as well – providing support, prevention and relief from symptoms.

With these two methods being complementary to each other, it’s no surprise that many are taking advantage of them both and striving for healthier lives.

Painful or Achy Legs

Redness, warmth, or tenderness in a particular area of your body can be a sign of a serious medical condition that needs to be evaluated by a professional immediately.

Even if you have no other symptoms than achy legs, these signs need medical attention.

A fever is an even more urgent situation and needs to be brought to a doctor’s attention right away.

If you experience a fever, redness, warmth, or tenderness on any area of your body do not delay going for a medical review as it may be a sign of the start of a much more serious medical issue.

Acting quickly on any changes in physical sensation can decrease complications further down the line, leading to improved health and well-being for everyone involved.

Vein pain in the legs can be a very troublesome issue, often indicative of varicose veins, poor circulation, or cellulitis.

It can also signify conditions such as deep vein thrombosis and phlebitis, both of which are serious health risks.

The discomfort associated with varicose veins often includes aching legs and difficulty standing for extended periods of time.

Effective treatment is available to help alleviate the symptoms but ultimately it is important to identify exactly what is causing the pain so that it can be addressed properly.

Without treatment, vein pain in the legs will only continue to worsen.

Varicose veins are a common problem for many, but the effects can go beyond simply unslightly veins.

Due to this backflow from vein damage, blood often pools within the legs causing painful achy sensations and an uncomfortable warmth.

This not only leads to unpleasant feelings but can signal an underlying circulatory issue which may need medical attention.

For many, varicose veins are primary noticed due to their eagerness to age prematurely and give away their presence before one even feels the burning sensation that so often follows.

Varicose veins and underlying venous insufficiency are an uncomfortable reality for many individuals.

In addition to the unsightly appearance of varicose veins, they can cause cramping in the legs, particularly at night.

The most common location is the upper legs, specifically the thighs, but varicose veins and their associated venous insufficiency may also manifest itself through calf cramping as well.

Despite a good night’s rest, varicose vein sufferers may awaken with aching calves and tighten muscles due to nighttime cramping.

Taking specific steps to treat varicose veins can help reduce not only the appearance of them but also combat painful nighttime leg cramps.

This cramping can usually be reduced or eliminated through lifestyle changes such as moderate exercise and proper diet while more severe cases may require medical intervention.

Generally speaking, varicose veins related night cramps or leg cramps should not be ignored if they become persistent and disruptive to everyday life.

Itchiness and skin changes

Varicose veins, which are swollen and enlarged veins, usually occur in the legs. If varicose veins are left untreated, they can lead to varicose eczema, or stasis dermatitis.

This skin rash appears as discoloured and inflamed skin around the lower leg and ankle area. It can cause burning and itching sensations, along with swelling and cramping.

Varicose eczema can be treated with creams, gels, and other medications prescribed by a doctor.

Prevention is key in varicose veins, so it’s important to wear socks with good support if you already have varicose veins or if you’re at risk of getting them in the future.

Stasis dermatitis is a skin condition that typically occurs in people with varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency, or other conditions that affect blood circulation in the lower legs.

High blood pressure develops due to blockages in the veins or defective valves, causing inflammation and uncomfortable symptoms such as varicose veins and cramping.

Over time this can worsen, resulting in discolored patches of skin and even ulcers.

If left untreated it can lead to infection and long-term damage to the affected area which can be painful and debilitating.

Therefore, it’s important that you reach out to your doctor if any concerning symptoms arise in order to receive prompt treatment for varicose veins.

Venous leg ulcers and venous eczema are the two most common skin conditions associated with venous insufficiency, which is especially prevalent in the elderly.

Patients suffering from these skin issues often experience a decreased quality of life due to resulting pain, and can lead to further complications if left untreated.

Although venous leg ulcers and venous eczema can be managed with effective treatment, a diagnosis is essential as early intervention is key for achieving successful results.

As such, routine visits to a medical professional along with lifestyle modifications is an important step one should take to ensure they maintain healthy levels of circulation in their veins.


Venous stasis ulcers are a common issue for those with poor circulation in their lower extremities.

Typically they form beneath the ankle and appear as a shallow sore, with a red base and unevenly shaped borders.

This area of skin may also feel shiny or tight, warm or hot to the touch and may even be discoloured compared to surrounding areas.

It is often covered by a thin tissue that can be yellow in colour.

Taking note of these guiding signs is important for a quick diagnosis, as well as early treatment of the condition if needed.

All of these signs should be taken very seriously as this type of sore can quickly turn into a deep but non-healing wound and indicates weak blood circulation in the lower leg caused by obstructed veins.

Seeking medical attention should occur immediately once these warnings signs appear for prompt treatment to be effective.

Chronic venous insufficiency is a dangerous condition that can have long-term consequences.

When veins become damaged or weakened, these important veins are unable to effectively move blood back to the heart.

This leads to a buildup of pressure in the lower legs, known as venous hypertension.

As a result of this increase in pressure, oxygen and nutrients can no longer reach the affected tissue and cells begin to die off.

Without proper care, non-healing wounds will form and cause further damage to the surrounding area.

If left untreated for too long, chronic venous insufficiency can lead to permanent damage and even impact an individual’s mobility.

It is essential for individuals with this vein condition to receive prompt treatment before any serious consequences occur.

Venous stasis can be an uncomfortable, yet serious medical condition, but the good news is that in many cases it can heal with fairly conservative methods.

For example, one should elevate the leg to reduce swelling and wear compression garments which provide support for the leg and help promote healing.

While treating underlying vein problems with techniques such as sclerotherapy and ablation to permanently close off vessels, is important in managing this chronic condition, using what seem like more basic methods can be an effective first step in alleviating symptoms of pain and discomfort.

It’s important to keep in mind that each case of venous stasis is unique and will require its own personalised treatment plan for the best outcome.

  • Keeping physically active is one of the most important things we can do to help support our overall wellbeing. Regular exercise not only improves cardiovascular health, it also helps with toning muscles and supporting circulation. Getting your heart rate up can help with the flow of your blood and encourages healthy muscle development in the calves – both of which have been linked to decrease risk of developing issues from pooling blood. Many enjoyable activities work for this such as brisk walking, stair climbing, cycling and swimming. Find something that you enjoy doing; staying active is a great way to keep your body energized energy levels up!
  • Maintain a healthy weight is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Not only does it lend to improved physical health, research has also shown that individuals who maintain a healthy weight have better mental wellness. Studies have also indicated that when you are overweight or even obese, the veins in your legs bear more pressure and strain in order to allow blood flow. This can cause swelling and pain in the lower legs and feet. Taking time to exercise and eat right can help to reverse this condition, allowing your veins to relax and simplify blood flow throughout your body. Healthy eating stems from having discipline, planning ahead, and making smart food choices; while regular exercise helps your overall body fitness. Start out small with changes such as walking each day or introducing healthier things into your diet plan; eventually you will be able to see behavior modification take place and you’ll begin to feel healthier for it!
  • Consume a high fibre and low salt diet: Eating too much salt in the diet can be a danger to our vascular system. This is because the excess salt causes our bodies to retain water, which puts extra strain on the veins by causing swelling and making it harder for them to efficiently return the excess fluid back to the heart. The solution is simple, lower our salt intake and increase our consumption of high fibre foods as these help keep us regular, reduce constipation which can add additional strain to the veins, and promote healthy circulation. Eating plentiful fruits, vegetables, and whole grain products will help support our vascular health, alleviate swelling caused by varicose veins and allow the body’s venous system work more efficiently.
  • Avoid high heels shoes; High heels are a staple in many women’s closets but caution should be taken when wearing them due to their effects on the functioning of larger veins. High-heeled shoes can put pressure on your feet, ankles and legs which may worsen circulation or even cause blood clots. Wearing lower-heeled shoes is the best way to ensure you give your feet the necessary support. Not only do lower-heeled shoes provide this support, they can also help tone up your calf muscles and improve blood flow throughout the body! It’s easy to look good while still being kind to your feet; your health will thank you for making this wise choice..
  • Compression stockings Graduated medical compression stockings are the ideal way to help ease discomfort caused by poor circulation. These stockings gently compress your legs, causing the arteries to constrict and reducing pooling of blood in the lower extremities. They are designed to be worn snugly but not too tightly as this can block off healthy circulation. Graduated medical compression stockings come in a variety of styles, sizes and lengths, each tailored to suit individual needs so you can find one that perfectly fits both your budget and your lifestyle. Ultimately, these stockings are a great investment for any individual who wants or needs to reduce circulatory problems in their legs.
  • Elevate your legs: Elevating your legs is a simple yet effective way to improve circulation, especially for those who sit or stand for long periods of time. This technique helps the veins return blood to the heart by reducing the load placed on them, enabling them to efficiently pump blood back up. By propping your legs up higher than your body, you can help keep your veins from becoming overwhelmed and reduce the chance of any pooling of blood within them. Not only will this technique provide relief in your legs and lower body but you’ll also be helping yourself out overall since it aids in maintaining a good circulatory system.
  • Change your sitting or standing position regularly. On long trips such as plane flights, it’s important to keep blood flowing properly in your feet and legs. To make sure an overall sense of comfort is maintained through the journey, regular activity is key. Flexing your ankles 10 times every 10 minutes is a great way to ensure that blood continues to flow while seated. It’s also beneficial to move your feet up and down frequently or even take a walk around for a few minutes every hour if space allows. While most of us will probably just want to stay put for the duration of our trip, these simple exercises are vital for preventing stagnant movement and staying healthy throughout the journey.
  • Avoid too much heat on your legs: Legs that are constantly exposed to too much heat, such as hot baths, can cause major health concerns for your veins. As a result of the constant exposure to heat, your veins can dilate and start to swell up, in turn causing some blood to pool in those areas. This phenomenon is known as vein pooling and if left untreated it can lead to more serious medical conditions such as varicose or spider veins. Additionally, too much heat on the legs can reduce blood circulation causing tired and achy legs. In order to avoid unnecessary harm to your body, it is best practice to avoid extended periods of subjecting your legs to high temperatures.
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