endovenous laser treatment

Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVA)
Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)

Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVA) and Endovenous radiofrequency (RFA) are revolutionising the way varicose veins and venous insufficiency are treated!

Instead of faulty vein being surgically removed by vein stripping, this modern technique uses a laser energy or a radio wave to heat and collapse the vein wall for long-lasting results while requiring only a local anaesthetic. This minimally invasive approach provides fast relief without putting patients through surgery!

Varicose veins are abnormal, enlarged blood vessels typically found in the legs. They can be unsightly and uncomfortable – but fortunately there is help available to reduce their appearance and symptoms!

Prior to designing a treatment plan, patients need to undergo a thorough assessment with a duplex ultrasound that uses sound waves to map your vein problem while looking at the surrounding tissues. Your vein doctor will look into the condition of your main vein, called the saphenous vein.

Following the assessment, your vein doctor might offer a laser treatment that uses laser energy through a laser fibre to treat your superficial veins and deep veins. With this modern procedure, not only does laser energy close abnormal veins, but it also helps stop vein pain!

endovenous laser ablation

How Does Endovenous Laser Ablation Work?

Endovenous Laser Ablation is revolutionising the way we treat faulty veins. With this innovative technology, doctors use endovenous ablation to treat your abnormal vein through a small incision. Lasers emit a powerful, extremely focused beam of light to the target vein, to effectively shut down the abnormal vein, before allowing your body to naturally absorb them over time – leaving you with improved health without any residual effects!

How Does Radio-Frequency Ablation Work?

RF therapy uses low energy radiation to heat the walls of the vein. Radiofrequency ablation is an innovative procedure that offers dramatic results in treating varicose veins with faster recovery compared to traditional surgery. This ensures not only great success rates, but also minimal pain or discomfort throughout treatment.

What Does The Operation Involve?

Your doctor will begin an endovenous procedure to treat your veins using an ultrasound scan. After lying on a couch with the leg being cleaned, you’ll receive local anaesthesia over the main vein (the great saphenous vein or the small saphenous vein), and a needle will be inserted through a tiny incision to insert a laser fibre up that same vein. All of this is performed under ultrasound guidance so as to ensure precision during treatment!

To perform the procedure, a laser tip is inserted through a catheter into your vein. Local anaesthetic will be injected around this area, so you won’t feel any pain during treatment. However, there may be a buzzing sound, smell or taste of burning, as the laser is slowly withdrawn, and the laser fibre works its wonders over five minutes by releasing intense heat.

Through a quick and painless process, your legs can be given the care they need! Our 20-30 minute treatment includes foam sclerotherapy or some avulsions for you to feel refreshed. To complete it at its best, we’ll make sure to fit an extra snug compression stocking on afterwards.

How Effective Is Endovenous Laser Ablation?

Endovenous laser ablation has become a gold standard for many patients facing varicose veins. Nearly all treated veins were successfully eliminated with one procedure, and the success rate is still holding strong at an impressive 99.7%. It’s no wonder this method of treatment continues to be so popular!

What Happens To The Vein After Ablation?

After undergoing ablation, your body will automatically begin rerouting the flow of blood through newly healthy veins!

Is Vein Ablation A Major Surgery?

Endovenous thermal ablation and EVLA offer an effective, minimally invasive alternative to surgery known as vein stripping with less pain post surgery and less risk of damaging the saphenous nerve. It requires only a small access through a needle and is typically done as a walk-in/walk out procedure with no hospital stay required!

Patients experience minimal downtime with quick return to normal activities

How Long Does Endovenous Laser & Radio-Frequency Ablation Treatment Last?

The procedure usually takes less than an hour. After the procedure, you will be encouraged to walk for approximately half an hour. Some minor bruising in your leg might occur; however, it should resolve itself within 14 days.

Is Endovenous Laser Ablation or Radio-Frequency Ablation Painful?

A vein ablation procedure is typically associated with little to no pain or minimal discomfort. In some cases, taking an over-the-counter pain killer may be necessary for relief, but usually any temporary side effects like swelling, redness and stinging should quickly dissipate from the treated area, leaving the patient feeling substantially better than prior to the laser treatment performed.

Endovenous ablation to treat varicose veins - chronic venous disease

What Can You Expect Following EVLA or RFA?

To ensure the best possible results after your procedure, it is recommended that you take a 30 minute walk before leaving the hospital. You should then wear special compression stockings for 2 weeks.

Post-procedure, you should maintain an ongoing routine of pain relief, such as anti-inflammatory drugs. Regular exercise like walking will be beneficial for promoting healing. Aim to take 20 minute walks each morning and evening.

Bruising should then start subsiding during forthcoming weeks, and any lumpiness may linger a bit longer before full resolution occurs. Depending on the profession, returning back work can be done either immediately after treatment or over the next few days henceforth.

Depending on your treatment plan, you might require a follow up appointment for additional treatment with ultrasound guided sclerotherapy.


How Long Does It Take To Heal From Vein Ablation?

With vein ablation, it typically takes 4-8 weeks for superficial veins in the feet to achieve full recovery. While this is a relatively simple process, it’s important that you give your body enough time and space in order to truly heal.

Is Endovenous Laser Ablation Safe?

Laser endovascular treatment provides an extremely safe and effective treatment of varicose veins with fewer complications than traditional methods such as vein stripping. It does not require hospital admission or general anaesthesia. It is performed under local anaesthetic, as a walk-in walk-out medical procedure, providing an acceptable patient experience.

What are the side effects of laser vein surgery?

This minimally invasive procedure is done in-office, with local anaesthesia as a given.

Common EVLA side effects include:

  • Bruising and tenderness 

  • Hard lump from trapped blood

  • Thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the vein)

Thrombophlebitis is a common side effect that can lead to painful and inflamed areas. Fortunately for most patients, it typically reacts positively to treatment with NSAIDs like ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

What are the possible complications from EVLA?

Laser varicose vein surgery may be associated with a variety of potential risks, which most of them are extremely rare, such as a pulmonary embolus.

Complications may include:

  1. Infection

  2. Bleeding

  3. Nerve damage

  4. Blood clots (Deep VeIN Thrombosis and pulmonary embolism)

  5. Changes in skin coloUr over the treated vein

  6. skin Burns

It is important for patients to discuss their medical history and any concerns they have prior to undergoing this surgical procedure in order to ensure maximum safety.

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