Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the organs and tissues of the body. They are essential to distribute oxygen, nutrients and hormones throughout your body.
Those tube-like vessels have three layers:
It contains the most important cells of the vascular system: the endothelial cells. They control the tone, the blood fluidity, the balance between pro and anti-inflammatory response and the nutrient trafficking.They also participate in generating new blood vessels, in the immunity response and orchestrates organ development.
It contains muscle that help the arteries to cope with high pressure. It also converts the pulsatile flow from the heart to a continuous flow in the main arteries. The muscular layer provides support to the arterial system by changing the vessel diameter to control the blood flow and blood pressure.
It has properties of a progenitor cell niche in the arterial wall that help arteries to respond to injuries. It harbours a dynamic microcirculation and actively interact with the tissue and organs in which the artery resides.
Veins are blood vessels that bring the blood back to the heart to be re-oxygenated. They are part of the circulatory system. They work together with the arteries to keep the blood moving. Veins hold the most part of the blood in the body. At the difference of the arteries, the venous system starts from the smallest vessels that connect with the smallest arteries. Then, those smallest veins connect each other to bigger venous vessels until they merge to a main big vein named the vena ca that connects to the heart. The veins create an extensive network of blood vessels like a complex wire system.
Like arteries, veins are made of three layers:
The endothelial cells control the tone, the blood fluidity, the balance between pro and anti-inflammatory response and the nutrient trafficking. They also participate in generating new blood vessels, in the immunity response and orchestrates organ development.
They controls the vein diameter to be wider or smaller as blood passes through. The muscular layer provides support to the vein by changing the vessel diameter to control the blood flow and blood pressure.
It has properties of a progenitor cell niche in the vein wall that help veins to respond to injuries. It harbours a dynamic microcirculation and actively interact with the tissue and organs in which the vein resides.
The blood in your veins needs to fight against gravity. It needs an outside force to push the blood in the right direction. Your own breathing acts as a suction force helping the blood to return to the heart. Another outside force is muscle movement, especially the calf muscles that act like a second heart to push the blood up.
They are three main type of veins:
They travel under the muscle and along the bones. They are the main pipe that goes back to the heart.
They travel above the muscle and under the skin. They collect the blood from the surface and move more slowly.
They are the connecting veins between the deep and superficial veins.
Lymphatics are translucent thin blood vessels, collecting excess fluid, called lymph, over the body. Lymphatic vessels complement the circulatory system by keeping the body fluid levels in balance. They absorb fat from the intestines,and protect the body by playing an active part in the immune system.
Lymphatic vessels are made of three layers:
They are key players in the immune response control.
They control the lymphatic vessel diameter to be wider or smaller as lymph passes through. The muscular layer provides an architectural support to the lymphatic vessel by changing its diameter to control the flow and the pressure. It is a key player of the lymphatic flow by slowly moving the lymph without a central pump.
It gives the structural shape of the lymphatic vessel and provides stability.
At the difference of the circulatory system, the lymphatic system is not closed and has no central pump like the heart. The lymph moves through the lymphatic system by alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscle layer called peristalsis.
The lymph is the excess fluid collected from cells and tissues at the junction between veins and arteries.
They are thin-tube vessels that collect the lymph through a very delicate network
They are glands that filter and cleanse the lymph. They hold a key component in the maturity of the immune response.
They filter and store blood, as well as being involve in the maturation of the body immunity. The spleen and the tonsils are examples of lymphatic organs.
Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a medical condition in which varicose veins, or enlarged and twisted veins near the surface of the skin, prevent blood from flowing back up to the heart like it should.
This results in pooling of blood in the legs, leading to disability, swelling, discoloration of the skin, and even risk of ulcers on your legs and feet.
CVI can cause damage to the deep, superficial and perforating veins in your legs, but it often starts with mild symptoms before advancing over time and leading to more serious complications.
In order to treat CVI, varicose veins must be treated or removed surgically.
Fortunately, there are non-surgical treatments and lifestyle changes that can help improve symptoms associated with this disorder.
Venous diseases can be classified into phases 0 to 6. The term “venous disorders” refers to a broad range of vein-related problems, including CVI. Clinical indications, which your vein doctor can see or feel when they examine your legs, are the basis for the stages.
Having varicose veins does not necessarily indicate that you have CVI.
However, varicose veins are a symptom of blood flow issues that might deteriorate over time. As a result, it’s crucial to inform your vein doctor of any new varicose veins you discover.
Stages of venous dysfunction include:
Absence of any visible or palpable symptoms.
You can have symptoms like weary or achy legs.
Your vein doctor will probably advise making lifestyle changes like increasing your exercise routine and eating better.
You’ll start to exhibit CVI symptoms. Reticular veins, which are visible veins, have a diameter of 1 to 3 millimetres (mm).
Additionally, you can develop less than 1 mm in diameter telangiectasias (spider veins), which are visible blood vessels.
Telangiectasias are tiny red lines that can be seen under the skin, whereas reticular veins are frequently blue or purple.
Your veins and blood vessels will be visible but not enlarged at stage C1.
At this point, your vein doctor will still suggest lifestyle modifications.
He could advise you to start doing compression stocking for your legs. Compression boots, bandages, and stockings are examples of compression apparel.
These are the main treatments in the early stages of CVI and can halt the condition’s progression.
You’ll start to notice varicose veins in stage C2. You can feel larger varicose veins sticking out from under your skin.
Stage C2 has a stage called C2r as a substage. This stage applies to varicose veins that recur despite therapy.
At this point, you’ll keep wearing compression clothing and work out frequently.
Procedures can also be used to treat varicose veins.
Your veins may scar down as a result of an injection called sclerotherapy, which vein doctors may administer to you.
Another treatment option for varicose veins involves endovenous ablation, which seals up the veins with a laser.
You’ll start to swell in stage C3.
Your legs may enlarge from oedema, which is a result of water retention.
In stage C3, there won’t be any changes to the condition of your skin.
During this phase, you’ll wear compression clothing and continue, if necessary, to have varicose vein treatment.
Oedema and alterations to your skin are both present in stage C4.
Three additional stages make up Stage C4:
Your skin will alter throughout this period on the outside.
Your skin may be irritated and inflamed.
On your skin, you might also notice a few tiny brown or grey marks.
Your skin will undergo more significant, maybe painful changes in C4b.
Your skin’s texture can alter, and certain areas may thicken or stiffen.
On your legs, you can start to develop scars.
You’ll be able to see the veins and blood vessels around your ankles at this point.
It’s known as corona phlebectatica.
You will receive skin care and ongoing treatment at C4 to address the changes to your skin.
Stage C5 skin conditions include open but healed skin lesions.
Ulcers are these exposed regions.
To stop additional ulcers, your treatments will concentrate on lowering the oedema and varicose veins.
Your legs will have open sores known as ulcers at stage C6.
For the ulcers to heal, you’ll need wound care.
This can include speciality dressings and medicinal lotions.
Infection and other dangerous consequences might result from ulcers that don’t heal.
A substage of stage C6 is called stage C6r.
This stage denotes that ulcers have already occurred and that they have returned despite therapy.
When you have chronic venous insufficiency, your heart receives less blood returning from your legs.
Without therapy, CVI increases the pressure in your leg veins to the point where your capillaries, which are the smallest blood vessels, break. The affected skin develops a reddish-brown hue and becomes readily irritated by bumps and scratches.
These ruptured capillaries may result in:
Varicose veins can be caused by various health issues, including the heart rhythm disorder supraventricular tachycardia, leg ulcers and lipodermatosclerosis.
Any of these problems have the potential to cause varicose veins and could indicate a more serious issue.
If varicose veins are suspected, it’s important to have them evaluated and treated by a vein doctor as soon as possible.
In regards to supraventricular tachycardia, it causes abnormalities to the electrical impulses of the heart leading to an increased rate in its beats.
This can put extra strain on the veins and arteries throughout the body, making varicose veins more likely.
On the other hand, leg ulcers are caused when pressure builds up in your veins while you stand, creating damage that eventually form an ulcer.
Lipodermatosclerosis is still uncertain as to how it affects varicose veins at this time.
Although there is no known strong connection between varicose veins and any of these three issues specifically, seeking advice from a vein doctor is recommended if varicose veins develop.ent
You can manage CVI at home by taking certain actions.
They are among the main therapies for CVI.
Before getting out of bed in the morning, you can put on compression stockings to reduce swelling all day.
Other advice is:
Focusing on low-impact sports like swimming, biking, or walking.
As often as you can, keep your legs raised above the level of your heart.
Don’t overdo it on the salt.
Consume high-fiber foods like whole grains, nuts, and avocados.
Consume foods high in potassium, such as yoghurt, poultry, and tuna.
Consult a vein doctor regarding herbal treatments including rutin, grape seed extract, and Centella asiatica.
Venous hypertension is a condition that results from weakened lower extremity veins, resulting in high vein pressure or venous hypertension.
This is different from arterial hypertension or what is known as high blood pressure.
It arises due to chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), which impairs the vein valves and leads to the pooling of blood in the legs.
Understanding its risk factors, symptoms and treatments are important elements of managing venous hypertension successfully.
Risk factors may include
Common symptoms may range from aching to swollen feet and ankles; while treatments may involve lifestyle changes like exercise, compression stockings, anticoagulants and endovenous thermal ablation.
With a comprehensive management plan for venous hypertension that takes into account various factors, proper care can be taken to reduce vein pressure issues and other symptoms related to this condition.
Venous insufficiency is a vein disorder that results from impaired circulation.
Blood flow is normally interrupted when the vein walls and valves degenerate, preventing blood from filtering back to the heart.
This condition can cause chronic venous hypertension, or prolonged high blood pressure within vein walls and tissues.
Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) is an umbrella term for a range of vein diseases which can lead to serious complications such as venous ulcers and tissue damage.
Obstructive vein disease such as thrombosis and vein valve destruction are two common CVI pathologies linked to long-term vein health risks.
While proper treatment can significantly reduce symptoms of chronic venous disorders, understanding the underlying pathology is essential for an effective care plan.
While both terms are linked to an increase of pressure within the vessel, they are different.
Varicose veins that are left untreated can lead to a sudden, serious drop in blood pressure called orthostatic or hypotension.
This occurs when the vein is unable to adequately return blood from the feet and legs back up to the heart, causing pooling of blood in the vein and an imbalance of pressure.
Furthermore, when these vein walls weaken and become overly stressed, venous hypertension may occur.
Over time this can lead to a condition known as chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), which may cause pain, swelling, discoloration on your lower limbs, skin marks or lesions such as ulcers.
It is important to visit a vein doctor regularly and keep an eye out for vein-related issues to ensure that they don’t worsen and potentially lead to further health issues.
Veins are an essential part of the overall cardiovascular system, and their health can have a direct impact on blood pressure.
According to studies, arterial disease and varicose veins have a relationship with high blood pressure.
Varicose veins are caused by venous hypertension, a type of hypertension that affects the veins.
Venous hypertension puts repeated stress on vein walls, weakening them and leading to chronic venous insufficiency.
It is important to monitor vein health as it can play an integral role in determining your overall blood pressure levels.
Venous hypertension can be the result of vein dysfunction, such as varicose veins or chronic venous insufficiency.
Venous insufficiency is when veins are unable to return blood back to your heart efficiently, causing pressure to build up in the legs and subsequently cause venous hypertension.
Patients experiencing venous hypertension might notice decreased skin colour in affected regions, leg ulcers, or swelling in the lower portion of the legs or ankles.
To help reduce vein related ailments, it’s important to stay focused on vein health and any vein-related symptoms that may occur.
Varicose veins are more than just an aesthetic inconvenience, they can also cause vein disorders like venous hypertension and chronic venous insufficiency.
In extreme cases, varicose veins can even induce a form of low blood pressure known as orthostatic hypotension.
This occurs when the walls of the vein can’t contract—or constrict—quickly enough to maintain your blood pressure when you stand up after being in a seated or reclined position.
If you experience symptoms of rapid dizziness when standing and you suffer from varicose vein disorder.
It’s important to seek medical advice in order to determine with certainty if you are suffering from orthostatic hypotension and to tailor treatments according to your own unique condition.
If you’re suffering from vein issues such as venous hypertension and chronic venous insufficiency, it can be a painful and embarrassing experience.
While not as immediately dangerous as arterial hypertension, the symptoms of vein weakness are difficult to live with – varicose veins can cause pain and itching, making you self-conscious about your appearance.
Fortunately, there is help available at Laurel clinical.
Our experienced vein doctor offers a range of treatments designed to provide relief from the symptoms of venous hypertension and other vein disorders so that you can feel less discomfort and have improved vein health.
It is a potential treatment for venous hypertension, a condition that affects veins and causes complications like chronic venous insufficiency.
It is an effective and reliable treatment for vein issues, such as venous hypertension and chronic venous insufficiency.
It is an often extremely effective method of eliminating vein issues caused by venous hypertension, chronic venous insufficiency, and other conditions.
With many vein treatments now available, it’s understandable that you might be feeling overwhelmed.
At Laurel clinical, we do not take a one-size-fits-all approach.
We understand that each of us is unique and must be given the chance to understand and select the most suitable vein treatment plan for our particular circumstances, taking into account vein health, overall health condition, budget, and personal preferences.
Working with Dr. Gilles Laur to identify the best vein treatment will ensure better vein health for you in the long run.
We are aiming at providing an enjoyable experience throughout all treatments from phlebectomy to sclerotherapy or endovenous laser ablation techniques if needed – even for chronic venous insufficiency!
Chronic venous disease causes :
skin discoloration and ulcers on the inner aspect of the ankles.
Superficial thrombophlebitis affects the red, engorged veins near the skin’s surface and brings forth localized pain or tenderness.
Deep-vein thrombophlebitis goes beyond these surface-level varicose veins to cause generalized swelling, warmth and redness in an affected limb and could even lead to bluish skin color in that limb or toes.
In extreme cases of deep-vein thrombophlebitis, fever and chills can occur too.
These severe symptoms serve as warning signs for people so they should be aware of them if they are suffering from chronic venous insufficiency.
Varicose veins can be a source of discomfort and insecurity for many.
It is important to know that the condition causing varicose veins, Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), results in permanent damage to the valves which control the flow of blood back to the heart.
However, with early diagnosis and regular checkups by a vein doctor, varicose veins can be effectively managed and treated using conservative methods such as compression stockings or special devices inserted into the varicose vein.
Treatments such as these can reduce varicose vein visibility and lessen uncomfortable symptoms like aching and throbbing in affected vessels.
For varicose veins that are more severe or have already caused leg ulcers, a range of treatment options exist, including:
If you have concerns about varicose veins or any other type of venous issue do not hesitate to consult your local vein doctor for comprehensive advice on treatment options available.
When facing varicose veins or chronic venous insufficiency, seeking an opinion from a vein doctor should be imperative.
Dr Gilles Laur is an experienced varicose vein doctor who can provide you with the best possible treatment for your condition.
During a thorough medical assessment, he will evaluate your medical history and take a detailed examination of your legs to see if there are any signs or swelling present.
To further diagnose the condition, a Duplex Ultrasound Scan will also be performed to assess what is happening inside the veins.
The treatment plan that Dr Laur designs strives to improve circulation and prevent complications from varicose veins while also improving appearance.
With his help, you can confidently move forward with the best course of action for your varicose veins.
Varicose veins are caused by increased blood pressure in the veins and damage of the valves.
Varicose veins happen in the veins near the surface of the skin .
The blood moves towards the heart by one-way valves in the veins. When the valves become weakened or damaged, it allows the blood to pool in the veins instead of traveling back to the heart.
Taking steps to improve the blood flow in your legs can be a critical part of preventing your varicose veins from getting worse.
It is a great way to strengthen the leg muscles which help promote healthy circulation and can ward off the formation of new varicose veins.
Additionally, if you are overweight or obese, taking measures to lose weight can go a long way in reducing the pressure on your veins and also provide other health benefits like decreasing your risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Taking these simple steps can give you peace of mind that you are doing all you can to keep those pesky varicose veins away!
To maintain good venous health, which can be especially important for those dealing with varicose veins, it’s essential to keep a balanced diet.
Low salt foods are key in reducing swelling often associated with varicose veins because they limit your body’s ability to retain excess water.
Fibre-rich foods are also important
Eating plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grains will help combat constipation that can put extra strain on the venous system.
Next time you do your weekly shop, consider adding these beneficial items to your cart – your veins will thank you.
Wearing high heels has become increasingly popular in the past few decades, but this type of footwear can have negative consequences.
High heel shoes can affect the functioning of large veins, causing poor circulation and lack of oxygen to the legs.
To avoid this problem, it is recommended to wear lower-heeled shoes.
Not only will they keep your feet comfortable, but they also offer several health benefits, such as providing toning for your calf muscles, improving your posture and enhancing better circulation within your body.
It’s clear that there are some hidden advantages in wearing low-heels over a pair of sky-high stilettos, making them the wiser alternative for you and your veins!
Taking a few moments to elevate your legs can give your cardiovascular health an instant boost.
This is because elevating your legs helps the veins return blood to the heart, thereby avoiding pooling of blood.
This can lead to swelling and other risky conditions.
It may be simple, but it can be a simple yet highly effective way to reduce the risk of fatigue, thrombosis, varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis.
In fact, taking even just a few minutes several times a day to prop up your legs at an angle higher than your hips can make protective a big difference for your long-term circulation health.
So don’t forget: when it comes to looking after your cardiovascular health — keep those legs elevated!
Taking frequent breaks to stretch and move around helps keep your body alert and healthy throughout the day, especially during periods of prolonged sitting.
A simple and effective way to do this is to constantly change your sitting or standing position.
In addition, regularly flex your ankles while you’re in a seated (or even standing) position as this can help stimulate blood flow in your feet and legs.
Aim to do this 10 times every 10 minutes; alternatively, move your feet up-and-down frequently or walk around for a few minutes every hour while on a long plane trip.
Not only will it break up monotony, but it’s also an effective way of preventing fatigue.
When it comes to your health and well-being, it’s important to keep in mind the damaging effects of too much heat.
Recent studies have shown that soaking in hot baths can put extra strain on the veins in your legs, causing them to swell and resulting in a disruption of blood flow.
This pooling can lead to further complications, such as varicose veins and other circulatory issues.
While a soothing bath may temporarily relax the muscles and improve circulation.
It’s best to stick with warm water for your safety and comfort.
Recent studies published in the British medical journal have indicated that inadequate levels of Vitamin K can significantly increase one’s risk of developing varicose veins.
This fat-soluble vitamin occurs in two forms:
The former can be found in abundant amounts in green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, lettuce and spinach while the latter is usually found in meats and fermented products like natto and cheese.
Incorporating a balanced intake of these foods into your diet may help reduce your risk of having to deal with unpleasant varicose veins.
Although varicose veins are not life-threatening and most people can manage them with lifestyle changes, there are more serious problems that can arise.
These include:
leg ulcers or sores, whereby swollen ankles and discoloured skin can lead to painful sores that are difficult to heal.
Additionally, the veins themselves may become damaged, resulting in bleeding which can be hard to stop.
Furthermore, chronic swelling of the feet or ankles due to varicose veins increases the risk of cellulitis – a serious infection of tissue below the skin.
Finally, blood clots may occur as a result of pooled blood in both the superficial and deep vein systems. It is therefore essential that people take action promptly if they experience any effects of varicose veins.
It is a blood clot that forms in the veins just below the skin and can cause significant pain and swelling.
The vein will likely feel firm, tender, and warm to the touch, along with these more alarming symptoms.
If you experience these signs, consult your medical professional for further investigation.
In contrast to an SVT, a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs within the deeper veins and might present as pain in the calf muscle along with warmth, redness, and swelling.
It’s important to take both kinds of thrombosis seriously and if you detect any of these signs or symptoms it is advised that you seek help from your healthcare provider right away.
Having varicose veins is not something to take lightly.
Without seeking treatment, vein damage can worsen and symptoms like achiness, heavy legs, and swelling can become more uncomfortable.
The good news is that consulting with a vein doctor can help you get started on a course of treatment that is best suited to your individual needs.
They will examine the veins, medical history, and lifestyle habits in order to develop an action plan that may involve medications or medical treatments as well as lifestyle changes to slow down progression and alleviate symptoms.
If you often find yourself experiencing discomfort, swelling, or discoloration of your lower legs, varicose veins may be to blame.
The veins become enlarged and can cause burning, cramping, itching, or throbbing sensations in the leg along with restless leg syndrome.
If these symptoms are accompanied by calf pain that feels like soreness or cramping and/or red or discoloured skin that also feels warm when touched, it’s definitely time to consult with a vein doctor.
With the help of a professional, you can start living life free from varicose veins!
Lipodermatosclerosis is an extremely inconvenient condition that can cause considerable discomfort and possibly create more severe health risks.
It occurs when certain venous insufficiency causes inflammation of the subcutaneous fat layer just beneath the skin, leading to hardening and discoloration.
It is typically associated with long periods of standing or carrying extra weight, making it a common problem among individuals who have sedentary lifestyles or are overweight.
Fortunately, treatment for this condition includes measures such as compression stockings and exercise to improve circulation.
For more serious cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the affected tissue.
Without prompt treatment, patients with Lipodermatosclerosis may experience further issues including ulceration and infection which left untreated can cause dire health issues.
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